Tees Valley Innovation Challenge Showcase: Venue Procurement Opportunity


Tees Valley Innovation Challenge is delivered by Edge Innovation and Health Innovation North East and North Cumbria on behalf of the Tees Valley Mayor and Combined Authority, and the Tees Valley Business Board. It is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 

The Tees Valley Innovation Challenge offers a platform for businesses to capitalise on opportunities within the region’s vibrant innovation ecosystem. By participating, they gain guidance, resources, and connections to accelerate growth in new markets. 

As part of this work, we are planning to run a large-scale innovation showcase event in early March 2025. The event will take place during the business day and be aimed primarily at local small and medium-sized businesses and social enterprises. 

About the event 

Exact details of the showcase are in development and can, to some extent, be tweaked to suit a specific venue. However, our current expectations are: 

  • A weekday event, preferably on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday; 
  • 200 to 250 attendees; 
  • 50 exhibitors; 
  • Event running from 10am to 4pm; 
  • Lunch and refreshments to be provided. 


Venue requirements 

The event will take place within the Tees Valley Combined Authority area. 

As a minimum, the venue will be able to accommodate: 

  • One (or two adjacent) main exhibition and catering space(s) capable of accommodating a minimum of 35 (preferably 50) small exhibition stands; 
  • A separate plenary space with theatre style or cabaret style seating for a minimum of 125 people; 
  • The ability to provide lunch and refreshments for 200 people, including dietary, allergy-friendly and varied options; 
  • Accessible venue for people with mobility or other access needs; 
  • Easily accessible location by public transport and car, with nearby parking available. 


Other requirements 

Whilst we can buy such services in, it would be preferable to work with the selected venue to provide: 

  • Projector or large screen to display speaker presentations; 
  • Microphone and speakers. 


Assessment criteria 

Criteria  Notes  Weighting 

Pass/fail criteria 

Availability of appropriate dates  March 2025 weekday event required  Pass/fail 
Location  Tees Valley location  Pass/fail 
Accessibility  Suitable for individuals with mobility and other access requirements  Pass/fail 

Weighted assessment criteria 

Availability of appropriate dates  First half of March, Tuesday to Thursday preferred  10% 
Suitability of venue  Availability and quality of proposed spaces 

Quality of overall venue 

Flow between spaces suitable for such an event  

Location  Easy for people to get to using different transport options  15% 
Cost  Calculated by reference to lowest price proposal, each proposal weighted proportionately  30% 
Added value  Provision of AV equipment 

Any other value proposed by the venue not encapsulated above 



Proposals should be sent to hello@ed-ge.uk by midday on Friday 16th August 2024.