Tees Valley Innovation Challenge - Grow your innovation capabilities with Design-led training



As a design strategist I use Design Thinking processes daily while consulting for large private sector organisations, small businesses, charities and community enterprises. I have seen first-hand the incredibly positive impact this approach can have on product and service development, as well as on organisational processes, when applied correctly.

The complexity of creating something new is often underestimated. Originally having trained  as an industrial designer, this complexity is something I am very familiar with. I have experienced more than a few times the feeling of being stuck in the weeds with a project, or committing time and effort to an idea, only to later discover something that makes my work redundant. This is all part of the experimentation process but can present a huge risk in resource scarce environments in many cases.

Design Thinking is a toolbox of thought processes and methods which can support the development of new products and services. Championing a user centric  approach, it can guide you stage by stage through the development process, connecting human needs to what is possible and commercially sustainable.

As articulated by the Design Council’s Double Diamond process, these stages are:

  • Discover: Empathise with your target user to understand their challenges.
  • Define: Identify, prioritise and frame the key problems to be addressed.
  • Develop: Generate and assess ideas to tackle these challenges.
  • Deliver: Build a compelling business case and present your solution.

This is a process that has been dismantled, put back together, adapted and evolved for use in design sprints across some of the world’s leading companies, but the time and resources necessary to invest in processes like this can often present a barrier to smaller or independent organisations.

Thanks to the Tees Valley Combined Authority (Funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Levelling up), Edge is proud to have the opportunity to share these processes with eligible organisations in the Tees Valley area for free, in an effort to democratise innovation and boost local growth.

Our Innovation Training is being delivered through the Tees Valley Innovation Challenge and is accessible for up to 36 Tees Valley based (Darlington, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Redcar & Cleveland and Stockton-on-Tees) organisations, within any sector, as long as they:

  • Have less than 250 employees.
  • Have under £43.5 million in turnover or balance sheet total under £37 million.
  • Have a registered trading address within the Tees Valley (You can find your local authority with this government checker: https://www.gov.uk/find-local-council)

With 3 Cohorts each comprised of 12 SMEs, these organisations will also have the chance to collaborate and connect with each other. Each cohort will attend 4 x 3-hours hands-on training sessions focusing on each stage of the design process (discover, define, develop, deliver).

Our training has been designed to make this process accessible to anyone, focussing on the most critical tools to guide you through development. We realise that everyone won’t be at the same stage of development in their day-to-day work; you might be in the process of realising an opportunity to respond to, or maybe someone who already has a working prototype, or even a product in market. I truly believe that no matter what stage of development you are at, your project can benefit from this programme.

We also recognise that it can be sometimes difficult to apply what you have learned in training to real life work. Which is why as part of the programme, you will also have access to design and innovation professionals who will help you to apply the processes in real-time to an ongoing project of your choice. Here, we will help you to directly apply what you have learned and progress your project on a 1-to-1 basis. In addition to this, participants will also gain access to a digitalised, guided version of the resources shared in the workshops, which can be accessed/ downloaded at any time.

This programme is modelled around training that we have previously delivered to various organisations in the North-East. Through this, we have supported the development of marketing strategies, collaboration platforms, social development programmes and much more. See below how past participants have benefitted, in their own words:

“The huge benefit has been not only the professional support from the Edge team and the facilitation of [the workshops] but the relationships we have actually created. I think just knowing it is always [going to be] a professional environment and that the resources are going to be high quality” - Jacqui Hutchinson, Primary Careers Coordinator at RVCDA.

“I'd say that [the programme] has helped with the creative confidence of myself and the decision that I’m making on a day-to-day basis, with the direction of the company. While it's great to have definitive answers, that might not always be the case. You won't get it right first time, there needs to be some trial and error” – Harris Chapman, CEO and Founder of CoHyphen Innovation Ltd.

“Everyone made me feel really welcome […] and any ideas, any thoughts, any suggestions I had was well received and I felt really encouraged throughout. The organisation is fantastic, with Susan, Mel and Harry. They are excellent leaders on this programme and guided us through everything, it was so well organised. It definitely exceeded any expectations I had” - Olivia Peebles, Marketing and Social Media Assistant at Changing Futures North East.

“Having the opportunity to learn how to use user journey and personas has been hugely beneficial. Being immersed with people and with blue sky thinking.” – Amy Coates, Communications and Marketing Manager at VONNE (Voluntary Organisations' Network Northeast)

We hope to welcome a diverse set of organisations across industries and including charities and social enterprises, so if this programme could benefit you, please don’t hesitate to register your interest. We currently have availability across all 3 cohorts, but places are expected to fill up fast:

  • Cohort #1: 7th June 2024 to 26th July 2024, on Fridays, 10am to 1pm
  • Cohort #2: 16th October 2024 to 29th November 2024, on Wednesdays, 10am to 1pm
  • Cohort #3: 15th November 2024 to 20th December 2024, on Fridays, 10am to 1pm

To register your interest, please go to https://bit.ly/DT-TVIC and enter your organisation’s details.

I am incredibly excited to see how these methods can have a positive impact for the Tees Valley, and I hope that you can be a part of that, too.

Thanks for reading,

Harry Ridpath, Design Associate, Edge Innovation Ltd