Latest News

21 October 2022
The Tees Valley Business Volunteering Challenge Outcome

The Tees Valley Business Volunteering Challenge has come to a successful end. This blog provides insight into what we achieved.

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20 October 2022
Design for Growth

How can design thinking be applied in small and medium sized organisations to add perspective, inspire creative ideas and lead to innovative solutions?

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12 September 2022
Join us for the volunteering challenge insights presentation

In times of uncertainty, can businesses and the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector work together to make meaningful change and support communities?

In spring this year, we launched the Tees Valley Business Volunteering Challenge with the aim of connecting large commercial organisations with voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSE) to develop innovative opportunities for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to improve volunteering, engagement and VCSE development.

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4 August 2022
Free exhibition opportunity for Tees Valley businesses

Through our work with the Grow Tees Valley project, we are able to offer free exhibition space to 15 small and medium-sized Tees Valley businesses at the Grow Tees Valley Conference.

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7 July 2022
Grow Tees Valley support to local businesses

Edge Innovation has helped seven ambitious local businesses launch new products and services at the Tees Valley Business Summit.

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23 May 2022
A mission to connect big businesses with small VCSE organisations

Can Environmental Social Governance (ESG) or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) really have an impact on the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector? Our lead for social enterprise projects, Susan Ross, talks about the Volunteering Challenge she's involved with.

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4 March 2022
Introducing the manufacturing and processing challenge

Ryan Siddall, Innovation Manager at NEPIC, tells us more about the manufacturing and processing challenge.

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3 March 2022
Introducing the wellbeing challenge

Susan Ross, Social Enterprise Lead for the Tees Valley Business Challenge, tells us more about the wellbeing challenge.

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2 March 2022
Introducing the social challenge

Find out more from Susan Ross, Social Enterprise Lead for the Tees Valley Business Challenge.

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1 March 2022
Introducing the healthcare challenge

An introduction to the healthcare challenge from Dr Sean Gill, a Programme Manager at the AHSN NENC in the Innovation and Economic Growth Team.

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